Simon, why is it very hard to sign out of JWN? I keep hitting the "Sign Out" button and it's still showing I am logged on JWN. Is there something I can do to get myself logged out, I can't afford to leave my name logged, if my parents found this I am in trouble!
Trailer Park Pioneer
JoinedPosts by Trailer Park Pioneer
New forum: one month progress report
by Simon inwell, we survived the first month at least!
yes, the new forum is now 1 month old.. of course there have been some issues and i'm grateful that people have been patient while i worked on them.
a big thank-you to everyone who's been patient, have provided useful feedback or just been willing to adapt to something new during the transition.. i've also made some improvements along the way and am fairly happy with how things are from a basic functionality and performance perspective so it's time to start looking at some of the new features i've been planning.
Can you Sponsor a Apostate to Fight Watchtower's Pedophile Paradise? Stop the Preaching Pedophiles!
by Trailer Park Pioneer ini keep a diary for statistical purposes and today was finally the 100th person i've shared the pedophile paradise issue with.
i thought people were more informed, the group of people i hang with need consults with their businesses, ideas for growth, sales and marketing ideas.
they usually subscribe to the "wall street journal", "investors business" , "wired", "cosmo", "o-prah", "bloomberg's business week", "new yorker", "men's and women's fitness", "forbes" and "christianity today" and various other religious magazines.
Trailer Park Pioneer
Data-Dog and Flipper, I am starting to share more paperwork. Took a stack of JW Sex Abuse literature and recent lawsuits and handed them to the atheist booth at two colleges and one university where JWs have Honey Carts right next to these.
There so much frustration brewing with Ex-JWs and Faders who are not official Apostates but treated like them. I thought if Witnesses are going to treat Faders like Evil Apostates the Faders might direct their energies to help the Gigantic Great Guru Apostates who make the Elders and Locals tremble!
When Witnesses are crying on your shoulder because their fair-weather friends treat them like trash, I think their tears might be better spent being proactive. I was hoping you all could provide ideas for people like me who want to help, if your doing your own thing, please share ideas for those of us who are getting in to the mode! Thanks for taking the time to think about this, I need ideas and so do others!
Why are JW talks & publications never uplifting?
by thedepressedsoul ini was sitting at the meeting the other night and for the first time it hit, jw talks or magazines are never uplifting!
i rarely, if ever hear a talk or read a magazines and have it give nothing but praise to jehovahs servants or just praise jehovah and jesus throughout it.
they never just a read through the bible or just a bible story explained or told.
Trailer Park Pioneer
Last Sunday's speaker said "The ungodly believe in evolution, their not every smart". next "the wicked people will soon meet their end, their not very smart." While Jehovah's people are busy in his educated work, "worldly simpletons are busy spending all their time building up bank accounts and houses that Jehovah is going to destroy, their not very smart!"
His entire talk was based on coveting, envy, fear, greed and name-calling all non-JWs as 'not very smart and stupid!". That's your answer, they can't handle the Bible and regurgitate the same Prehistoric Outlines that need to dry up and blow away!
San Luis Obispo
by wifibandit in
anyone know this guy?
reddit user tricky_business says the guy is an active witness.. .
Trailer Park Pioneer
We have plenty of pedophiles walking around in Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo Counties. These bastards are lucky wicked elders covered up their sins!
I have a fun photo for you, there's a cart that reads "Be a Atheist" next to the JW Honey Carts, the atheists are getting more attention!
Preaching to Radical Muslims, "Tell them you Hate Apostates too!" Link from Freaky Funny Site, do you know them?
by Trailer Park Pioneer injehovah's witnesses don't have problems hating people, witness hatred is like grows and develops like good red wine.
better wines get more fuller and deeper as time passes by and so does witness hatred towards anyone they tire of.
i venture to say many of you have experienced or felt the hatred of followers of the watchtower organization.
Trailer Park Pioneer
Jehovah's Witnesses don't have problems hating people, Witness hatred is like grows and develops like good red wine. Better wines get more fuller and deeper as time passes by and so does Witness hatred towards anyone they tire of. I venture to say many of you have experienced or felt the hatred of followers of the Watchtower Organization. What percentage of JWs don't believe in God who hold roles in the Kingdom Hall or socialize with fellow misfits because the Witness Organization allows people without Bible knowledge, no social or psychology skills to become Elders.
Here's the link "Jehovah's Trumpet", he said to tell the Muslims "I hate Apostates too!"
Remember, this is how the author portray's our over-righteous JW friends, this is so damn funny!
Can you Sponsor a Apostate to Fight Watchtower's Pedophile Paradise? Stop the Preaching Pedophiles!
by Trailer Park Pioneer ini keep a diary for statistical purposes and today was finally the 100th person i've shared the pedophile paradise issue with.
i thought people were more informed, the group of people i hang with need consults with their businesses, ideas for growth, sales and marketing ideas.
they usually subscribe to the "wall street journal", "investors business" , "wired", "cosmo", "o-prah", "bloomberg's business week", "new yorker", "men's and women's fitness", "forbes" and "christianity today" and various other religious magazines.
Trailer Park Pioneer
I keep a diary for statistical purposes and today was finally the 100th person I've shared the Pedophile Paradise issue with. I thought people were more informed, the group of people I hang with need consults with their businesses, ideas for growth, sales and marketing ideas. They usually subscribe to the "Wall Street Journal", "Investors Business" , "Wired", "Cosmo", "O-prah", "Bloomberg's Business Week", "New Yorker", "Men's and Women's Fitness", "Forbes" and "Christianity Today" and various other religious magazines. While having coffee or tea at their homes I look at the magazines on their tables, just to see what's going on.
Out of One Hundred People, Sadly only one had any idea Jehovah's Witnesses are bringing Pedophiles to their homes! The Watchtower's Pedophile Policy is putting the public at danger, people have no idea that Child Sex Offenders are coming to their homes and putting their children at risk. We have a problem my friends! Were not being proactive enough or getting our ideas outside if this is our goal. Simon has done a great job by giving us a forum to communicate with professional Ex-JWs who are successful. We owe him much, think of all the support we've received from others here, now it's time to share anything we can to get the word out about the High Group Mind Controllers!
This is food for thought, if you want to change the World you need to start with each person your comfortable sharing this topic with. I'am near the point where I don't care because of all the wickedness me and my former family members encountered in the Organization! It's hard to share this material if your not comfortable talking against the Organization, by allowing the Watchtower to go unchallenged their allowed to re-write history any way they wish.
You can try to share something that lures the person your talking to in to a deeper subjects if they will listen. People will look at us as "angry" or "bitter" if were not delicate handling ourselves and use lots of "qualifiers" like "there are so many good witnesses who don't know they might be allowing a pedophile in their homes or driving in their cars because the Elders are not allowed to share who is a Sex Offender or Baby Rapist! This works, on the frontal assault territory by well known Ex JWs I've seen them freak out because own territory (the laundry mat by my trailer park got sprayed with stickers, it was bitch-en to see the sisters come out of their territory with his labels! He had a great affect, he helped four people leave the Organization from doing that!
If your personal opportunity emerges, try your best to be subtle with sensitivity, be like a JW and pretend this is the End of the World! The other elders were pissed off, his work to educate the public was making his congregation freak out! So if you desire to make a difference, educate the public and people you meet because the Watchtower is very good at keeping all this information secret.
1. Secrets are the best way the Watchtower keeps the public uninformed, most JWs don't know about all the lawsuits because the elders are good at attacking the Evil Media!
2. The Public deserve to know the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses Pedophile Paradise, it's time to share often because people don't know, if I spoke to 100 well informed people and only 1 person knew, were doing a bad job at getting the word out!
3. Can you sponsor a Watchtower Apostate? If you desire to keep yourselves secret can you help the local Ex-JWs (They might be Christians, they might be atheists or something but it's not cheap getting the word out!) expose the real Apostate Christians, the true Apostate is the Governing Body and their followers are little false prophets and false teachers!
a. Take the local professional Ex-JW to lunch or dinner.
b. Invite them over to your house for food if your a fader or on the verge of leaving.
c. Buy them some stickers to paste and allow them to teach you how to be more effective at spreading the word about the Watchtower's Preaching Pedophiles!
d. Do something to show you appreciate their hard work of trying to help the community and keep Child Sex Offenders from raping their children!
e. If possible, can you host a Apostafest and gather some of the local Ex JWs to meet and enjoy each others company?
f. Please help me think of ideas to show to our local Ex-JWs who are on the battlefield fighting these freaks without fear. I need to do more to demonstrate my appreciation and all the losses they suffered by letting the World know how screwed up the Watchtower is!
rama singh WHAT HE REALLY SAID, so you men can stop lying
by atheist_R_stupid in"there have been repeated scientific challenges to the.
theory of evolution in the past, and the nonbelievers of evo-.
lution cite them as support for their case.
Trailer Park Pioneer
Kate, ignore this Tosser! I hope the atheists on JWN realize we are all not like this person who is not a believer! From his writings it looks like he's a atheist attacking believers, I could be wrong after years of my Watchtower Education.
Well what a wonderful thread. I feel embarrassed to have a belief in God when I see such OP's. I think when you leave WT it's very difficult to maintain a belief in God, but those who post that they do seem to jump into some kind of unbalanced evangelical mode that simply put, is silly.
Come on there must be some believers like me, who haven't gone full swing into this mode. Please post if you have been posting here for a while and still retained a belief but accept that atheists have their opinions too that we can respect.
I am sick of posters like this giving believers a bad name.
Kate xx" -
Meaningful Study
by Awake at last ini never thought i would be commenting, let alone starting a new topic in the category of bible research and study.
anyone reading my comments on this site would have realised that i am the most unspiritual person to have ever stepped foot inside a kh.
yet for the first time in my life, on saturday night, i did some meaningful bible study/research, on my own without a wtbts publication in sight, except the nwt bible.
Trailer Park Pioneer
There are thousands of sects of Christian Churches but they all don't claim to have the "Real Truth and Infallibility" the Watchtower Organization trained us to believe they had. Why is it you can have fifty different Christian sects agreeing each person probably will be Saved if they apply Jesus Christ's Words while some like the Watchtower claim "Jehovah is our Author of the Watchtower and Awake" and "all other religions are going to be destroyed!". Not every religion teaches they are the 'one and only true religion", usually that's left to Cults!
The more I talk with different Christians they emphasize "Grace" while High-Group-Mind Control religious businessmen, they teach "Anxiety, Fear, Guilt and Works-Works-Works". WTS said "What have you done for the Group Today?" There may be 40,000 different sects but the majority don't accuse you of being Apostates!
Revise Tax Code to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse
by ABibleStudent inover the last five years, i have read lots of threads complaining about the wtbts, but few threads about becoming involved to help jws to critically think for themselves so that they can decide whether to stay, change the wtbts, or fade.
i'm curious if anyone is willing to write to their political representatives like i did today?.
before someone writes that the bill that i wrote would infringe on rights of either the establishment or free excercise clause of the u.s. constitution, i already checked with a lawyer and she said that the concept sounds promising.
Trailer Park Pioneer
I would vote to get the Watchtower's Tax-Exempt Status Revoked! Please stop these men before they hurt many more! Once upon a time I thought Ex-JWs were angry because I believed the lies, it's their frustration that people can't see how deep the Watchtower Corruption and sex abuse cover-up goes! -
Conti Appeal Preview - Oral Argument Jan 14
by Chaserious inwith hopefully a good deal of interest here in the conti appeal tomorrow (or later today, depending on where you are), i thought that on my ride home from work tonight i'd preview what to expect and what i think the key issues are for any who are interested.
i have had a busy few weeks and haven't had time to read everything, but i had some time to look at the appeal briefs during my work commute the past couple days.
it'll be interesting to see what develops out of the network news coverage of this case.
Trailer Park Pioneer
Splash: We had five to seven (Five one year and two the next year) people kill themselves even when the Elders knew they were in a very bad way, very unstable!. Our Narcissistic Personality Disorder Elder was happy when the man he helped push of the edge died! He said "He's got a chance at living now, before he was going to be destroyed and his parents are better off without some crazy bipolar screwing up their lives! He had this kid disfellowshiped while trying to protect his pedophile friend, that's how sick these godless men are! Elder Paedophile had a friend and Narcissistic-Personality-Disorder Elder was his name. Elder N.P.D. thought this mentally ill kid was a worse threat than a child molester. The kid, what were his sins? He was smoking a cigar and pulling a slot machine lever at the local Indian Casino while Elder Paedophile
I know my friend Dave complained of three people who killed themselves in his Congo, three or four my way and none of the Elders had the JW "Suicidal Publishers" get any real help! Nobody called the police or got any psychiatric help out of fear of hurting "Jehovah's Name!". People come to JWN and lie, when they first brought out their magazines on Depression and Sexual Abuse, the Watchtower opened Pandora's Box wishing they had never talked about this subject because it made the Kingdom Halls less perfect by claiming we had problems in our Spiritual Paradise.
Now looking back I see we never had a Paradise, it was a mental vice-grip keeping us from learning real information, making depressed souls worse while empowering wicked men and giving them total access over weak men and women. The Kingdom Hall is filled with Bullies, there are bullies everywhere in this Organization and I hope Candace is the David of the Bible and Watchtower is Goliath and get's clobbered!
Chase, my friend who is involved in the biggest trial our way said pretty much what you said, they will look for errors and see if her judge made a mistake. Why can't Jehovah punish them by putting it in to the hearts of the Appellate Court to really slam them by adding another $50 Million, Jehovah needs to punish these wicked Psychopaths at Bethel to stop the insanity!